The architecture of QNCP controllers
The on-board transformer is equipped with an external shield for overcurrent protection.
Our controllers are made of metal cabinet with epoxy powder coated lid with upper and lower holes for a facilitated fixing.
Inside the closet we find:
- Power supply for on-board circuits and external devices (display, push button, etc.), equipped with suitable short-circuit protection.
- All our controllers are equipped with:
- Three-phase and single-phase general thermal magnetic switch
- Magneto thermal contactors to protect the loads (e.g. brakes and valves)
- Manoeuvre switches
- High impedance microprocessor board with high immunity to external noise and 4-layer printed circuit board.This card is able of directly processing signals from the shaft safely and is equipped with specific inputs in accordance with EN-81 rules regarding the management of safety circuits.
The on-board software (firmware) – entirely produced by Ematic – is constantly evolving on customer specifications and can be easily updated with the simple replacement of internal memory (Eprom) or via dedicated software.
All the events that during elevator’s operation are relevant to the management of the technical assistance, are stored inside the card even in the case of power failure. For each of these stored events, given data (date and time) are reported. For every stored event, date, time, stop, direction and plant state, are displayed.
The programming data that characterize each elevator can be edited via a 4-button keypad and two 7-segment displays on board.
The programming parameters are grouped by type of operation and easy to remember.
Our board is designed to directly manage both auxiliary relays and main travel switches.
Inside the controller there is a quick-release terminal blocks for signals to shaft and car and a series of terminals for connection to the motor and power lines.
The terminals are identifiable by different colored labels, so they simplify the commissioning and troubleshooting.
Our controllers are delivered to the customer with all the operating parameters already pre-set as according to the specifications provided at the order. The same procedure is applied to the inverter that manages the machine normally supplied already programmed according to the system design data.
Wide range of options
- Configuration in groups: from simplex to octoplex;
- Manoeuvre: universal (PB), down collective (DC) and full collective (FC);
- Standard basic configuration: 12 stops PB; 8 stops FC expandable by means of proper boards;
- Drive: 2 Speed, VVVF, Hydraulic;
- Available power: up to 75 kW;
- Doors: Manual, semiautomatic, automatic;
- Integrated emergency landing device (for power supply failure) on board;
Other characteristics:
- Alarm battery 12V/24V;
- Connection of parallel/serial displays;
- Motor protection with thermistor;
- Sequence control, phase shortage;
- Control and protection againts overload and short-circuit of each input signal
Other available manoeuvres:
- Firefighters manoeuvre;
- Preferential manoeuvre;
- Programmable preferential parking floor for stop and timeslot.
- Selective door opening
- Independent opening management.
Characteristics of “ELSA” board
- 16bit/40 Mhz microprocessor;
- 512 Kb Flash EPROM, 1 Mb Big-Ram, 8 Kb Eeprom;
- LED signaling of all digital input and output signals;
- Watch-dog, control system for automatic restart of on-board software in the event of involuntary stoppage;
- Clock for managing date, time and day of the week;
- Two serial ports on board for interfacing with other systems;
- Outputs with protection system for each lights channel against overloads and short circuits;
- In case of failure of one of the inputs or one of the outputs, it is possible to reassign the corresponding functionality to another free position of the terminal block, by simply modifying a software parameter;
- Direct management of safety circuits with power up to 110 V ac/dc.
Reliability of operations
The power lines of floor and car lights circuits are properly separated from the main power line and are protected against short circuits and overloads;
All the controllers are subjected to a computerized testing phase at our test tower with high-stress tests, according to stiff controls which extremely reduce any production error indices;
The stops’ counting during the running is very reliable because it uses a software algorithm that allows – even in case of incorrect or missing reading of the magnets – to avoid causing error in calculating the car position. This anomaly is reported in the list of operating errors.
High flexibility of the software
By changing just one parameter, it is possible to set four different type of manoeuvre:
- Car call registration
- Down collective
- Full collective
The rephasing procedure is optimized for minimum displacements, choosing the easiest between the two extreme floors. On request, it is also allowed to avoid the parking of the liftcar at the reset floor.
The management of parking floors is very flexible as it is possible to choose different ones depending on the time of day.
For example, in the case of a condo, as generally the most traffic in the morning is outbound, the car can be stationed at the highest floor, while in the evening at the lower floor.
It is possible to avoid repetition of the same malfunctions for some errors occurring at a particular floor (blocks and preliminary contacts faulty or defective, wrong counts, etc.), the system can be programmed to automatically exclude call requests to that floor.
Adaptation to existing circuits. The software provides the possibility of programming the different logic of the contacts to be interfaced to the controller (mobile base, full load, overload, photocell, etc.).
It is possible to program both the logic of car lights management logic (position, floor of destination, calls) even if the display is not used, and the floor lights management logic (information “Present”, “Incoming” , “Busy / Incoming”, “blinking Present” is displayed).
Flexibility in displaying the position of the car. For each floor you can program the two digits to be shown on the display.
Double entrance management is fully programmable by the operator who can autonomously decide at any single stop the priority to follow in opening.
For each direction, it is possible to set a different duration of passage in the floor zone that determines the stop level. This simplifies the positioning of the magnets and ensures the same stop position in both directions.
Car door control is optimized thanks to timing procedure and repeated opening/closing attempts.
Assignment of the functions to each terminal is provided by the controller and programmable by the installer.
It is possible to protect the calls by PIN code to dial directly with the call buttons of the COP.
Group Programming of inputs/outputs for functions useful to arrange remote signals.
Adjusting of the car stop level by using the call buttons.
The on-board software provides a function to check whether the parameters show any discrepancy that can compromise the operation of the controller.
Effective post-sale service
For any controller bought, it is also possible to quickly and easily download all the related documents:
- Wiring diagrams
- Manuals
- Certificates of conformity
- Testing Certificates
- Order confirmation
- Etc